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Biodon About Us

I have 9.5 Years of Experience in Sewage Treatment and Bio Septic Tank Industry. First I joined as office boy and then Promoted to Manager. Because of this I have satisfied more than 550 customers after installation of Bio Septic Tank. My Company Provides Quality Services to customers as per their requirements at lowest cost and with proper technology.

"Biodon" Bio Septic Tanks allow for the environmentally appropriate disposal of human waste. It requires no maintenance and is efficient without requiring any source of energy, and its discharges are odorless.

Our Vision

To improve human sustainability through affordable Innovation Take from Nature Bio & Polymer Technology Give Back to Nature

Our Mission

To be an integrated waste management & Bio-fuels enterprise of global distinction : Why??

Because, if we have to sustain our population & economic growth rate, the natural water & nutrient cycle needs to be accelerated.