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Conventional STP Vs Biodan

Conventional STP Biodan
Electricity required Zero power, runs on gravity flow
Backup generator and diesel required No generator, No diesel
2-shift skilled STP operator No operator
24x7 noise pollution Noise-free
Motors, blowers and frequent oil change required No motors and blowers; hence no oil change required
Risky if exhaust fans are switched off No exhaust fans. Hence no risk
Involves chemicals (Urea, Chlorine etc.) 100% chemicals-free
Dedicated STP space and operator room required Operator room not required; saves on space.
Sludge pathogen risk No sludge pathogen risk
Sludge removal - daily/weekly. Sealed tank. No manual handing. Risk-free.
STP life just 3 - 5 years. Need to keep buying spares. Lifetime product
MLSS monitoring; need to add bacteria on an hourly basis Bacteria to be added only once in 3 months
Bad odour Completely odour-free
30% minimum load needed to begin operations Even one toilet is enough to begin operations
Bar screen filter to be cleaned regularly No bar screen filter required
Can be accidentally switched off Cannot be switched off
24x7 maintenance required Maintenance-free
Installation time 1 - 2 months Can be installed within 24hours

Smart returns for your hard-earned money!

You can save money you spent on Biodon in just 50 months save your hard earned money with Biodon

Spending Amount 80,000 45,000
Traditional Spetic Tank
Sewage Removal Cost Per Year
(in )
Biodon Bio-tank
Maintanance cost per year
(in )
1 6,000 1,200
2 12,000 1,200
3 12,000 1,200
4 18,000 1,200
5 18,000 1,200
6 18,000 1,200
7 18,000 1,200
8 18,000 1,200
9 18,000 1,200
10 18,000 1,200

*Calculations are approximate, based on various projects